Massage Therapy

  • Custom Massage

    A massage tailored to your specific needs, goals and pressure preference. Melt away stress, muscle and joint pain.

  • Himalayan Salt Hot Stone Therapy

    Warm stones are incorporated into an integrative massage. Himalayan Salt Stones contain eighty four trace minerals, which are absorbed through the skin to benefit the body and facilitate healing. Relaxes sore muscles, heals damaged tissue, increases blood flow, purifies body and soul.

  • Myofascial Release

    The first step in an MFR session is the gentle application of sustained pressure into the body's fascial restrictions. There is an essential "time element" in that the pressure of the therapist's hands must be held long enough and with just the right amount of pressure to engage the collagenous barrier. This allows a piezoelectric phenomenon to occur, which in turn creates an elongation of the viscoelastic medium (the fascia). In simpler terms: the "stuck" fascia is released creating space for lymphatic fluids to flow, which nurtures and detoxifies cells and tissues and healing occurs. In essence, MFR therapy unravels the straight jacket inside your body. One fascial restriction can create 2,000 pounds per square inch of pressure on delicate nerves and blood vessels causing pain and suffering. Another important aspect of MFR is that it encourages the patient to access their intuition and to expand into "feeling" what their body needs. We are all born with this inner wisdom, but are rarely encouraged to use it. With an expert MFR therapist as your guide, you are able to get in touch with the fear, anger, embarrassment, sadness, etc. that is trapped in your tissue "memory". Going back in time and remembering the moment of injury, whether physical and/or emotional, creates an opportunity to "unwind" those traumas.

  • Prenatal Massage

    Prenatal massage gently relieves stress on weight bearing joints and helps reduce swelling and muscle aches. Nurtures the changing body on the journey of motherhood.

  • Thai Massage

    Thai is a rhythmic massage, which incorporates stretching, joint traction, acupressure and breath work. Also known as passive yoga, Thai takes place on a mat and loose comfortable clothing is worn. Increases flexibility, improves circulation and enhances lymphatic flow.